Mardom Decor polymer wall panels and competitors’ products – the most important differences

02.11.2023 7 min

Wall panels have become an increasingly popular solution in contemporary interiors, effectively replacing traditional wall finishing methods and providing rooms with a modern and designer look. However, the market offers a wide array of options – 3D wall panels come in various shapes, materials, workmanship, and properties. This leads to a crucial question: which panels should you choose to ensure the room not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also maintains excellent durability over the years? In this article, we will compare Mardom Decor polymer wall panels with their competitors, highlighting the most significant differences and advantages among popular, widely available options.

panele ścienne w łazience
Duna Mardom Decor wall panels in bathroom design

3D wall panels have the ability to transform the appearance of your interior, giving it an entirely new character. It’s essential to carefully consider which panels to choose so that your interior continues to impress with its impeccable appearance and high durability for years to come. If you’re wondering why Mardom Decor polymer wall panels should be a part of your interior design, be sure to explore today’s post for more insights.

Mardom Decor PolyForce polymer wall panels – characteristics

PolyForce wall panels from Mardom Decor are an exceptionally intriguing option for interior design. Allow me to guide you through the key features that set this product apart from the competition.

What is PolyForce material?

Mardom Decor polymer wall panels are crafted from extruded polystyrene, commonly referred to as duropolymer. The PolyForce material is a unique blend of modifiers and top-tier polystyrene, creating a substance with remarkable density and, consequently, exceptional durability. This high-density material is not only used in the production of our wall panels but also extends to our ceiling and curtain moldings, as well as our most robust offering – skirting boards.

High quality and damage resistance – ScratchShield® technology

The incorporation of ScratchShield® technology stands as a testament to the superior quality and durability of Mardom Decor decorative wall panels. This innovative feature represents a significant advantage over competitors, as it involves the meticulous hardening of the product’s surface, rendering it highly resistant to mechanical damage. In comparison to other products available in the market, PolyForce panels with ScratchShield® technology are up to 40% harder. This exceptional hardness makes them an ideal solution, even for spaces with high foot traffic.

With ScratchShield® technology, you can rest assured, even in households with small children or pets, as accidental scratches or bumps are not a cause for concern. This technology provides an unparalleled level of durability, making Mardom Decor panels the ultimate choice for anyone seeking a long-lasting and visually appealing interior finish.

Moisture and UV resistance

PolyForce stands as a fully waterproof material, making our panels ideal for spaces constantly exposed to moisture, such as bathrooms or kitchens. These panels resist moisture absorption, ensuring they do not swell or change dimensions when exposed to dampness. This feature provides peace of mind against accidental spills or flooding, making them especially practical for everyday use. Looking for wall panels designed for bathrooms? Choose Mardom Decor!

Additionally, PolyForce panels are UV-resistant, allowing them to thrive in areas with intense sunlight. Their colors remain vibrant and untarnished, unaffected by the sun’s rays. This means you can enjoy the panels’ beautiful appearance for years without worrying about color fading.

Panele PolyForce są również odporne na promieniowanie UV. To oznacza, że świetnie sprawdzają się w pomieszczeniach intensywnie nasłonecznionych, a ich kolor nie blaknie, ani nie żółknie pod wpływem działania promieni słonecznych. Dzięki temu można cieszyć się pięknym wyglądem paneli przez wiele lat bez obawy o utratę intensywności kolorów.

Light product weight and easy installation

PolyForce decorative wall panels offer exceptional durability while remaining lightweight, greatly facilitating their installation. This characteristic not only eases the installation process but also allows for creative freedom in interior design. These panels can be applied on walls, ceilings, furniture, or as strips between kitchen cabinets and countertops. Their lightweight nature is particularly advantageous for projects involving various heights and larger decorative installations, making the process faster and more convenient.

Moreover, our standard white 3D wall panels come factory-coated with a special primer, enabling easy repainting. These panels can be painted in the desired color using solvent-free products. Premium 3D wall panels in white color come pre-finished and do not require any post-installation painting. They are coated with high-quality satin lacquer, ensuring an exceptionally refined appearance.

In summary, PolyForce wall panels are the ideal choice for those seeking a durable, aesthetically pleasing, and easy-to-install material for interior decoration. Their unique features make them a dependable option for enhancing both private homes and commercial spaces, offering reliability and elegance in every application.

Polymer wall panels – polystyrene and polyurethane

Polymer wall panels offer versatile design possibilities, whether covering an entire wall or enhancing specific areas of a room. However, disparities in materials among manufacturers can impact product quality and durability. Let’s explore the distinctions between PolyForce Mardom Decor wall panels and comparable offerings from a well-known Belgian brand.

panele ścienne polimerowe
Duna Mardom Decor kitchen wall panels

PolyForce decorative wall panels boast an exceptional density exceeding 450 kg/m³ and an impressive hardness of 55+ Shore D. In contrast, competitive 3D polymer wall panels made from polyurethane have a density of approximately 220 kg/m³, scoring 35 on the Shore D scale. PolyForce panels are twice as hard, ensuring superior resistance against mechanical damage and everyday wear. Moreover, the absence of an additional external protective layer in the competitor’s products renders them vulnerable to scratches even with a fingernail and accidental dents, a drawback absent in PolyForce panels.

Moisture resistance stands as a pivotal feature setting PolyForce wall panels apart. Mardom Decor polystyrene, dense and 100% waterproof, does not absorb moisture from the air and maintains its dimensions regardless of moisture exposure. Polyurethane, due to its lower density and higher porosity, behaves akin to real wood under varying humidity levels, expanding and contracting. This behavior could compromise the durability of connections between elements, making PolyForce a superior choice in moisture-prone environments.

PolyForce wall panels further excel in their straightforward and convenient installation process. They can be installed utilizing ordinary, widely available mounting glue simplifies installation, providing an easy and efficient experience. Conversely, polyurethane panels require specialized products for joints, escalating installation costs and complicating the process.

PVC wall panels – polystyrene and PVC

PVC wall panels, crafted from polyvinyl chloride, are a popular choice due to their durability, affordability, and wide availability. However, it’s crucial to closely examine their features and compare them with PolyForce wall panels from Mardom Decor to understand the differences.

PVC panels exhibit a medium hardness, influenced by their density (varying between manufacturers) at approximately 1300-1600 kg/m³ and a hardness of 70+ Shore D. While these features indicate decent resistance, they are not the most robust against mechanical damage and daily wear. PVC panels are more susceptible to scratches and impact dents even compared to MDF or wooden panels.

In terms of moisture resistance, PVC panels are waterproof and suitable for high-humidity environments like bathrooms. However, it’s essential to note that PVC may deform under temperature variations, potentially affecting the long-term quality of panel connections. The installation process for PVC wall panels is simplified by the use of standard PVC adhesives.

The most significant difference between PVC wall panels and those made of PolyForce Mardom Decor lies in their appearance. PVC products often have a uniform, artificial, and shiny coating. This standardized appearance may not suit all interior styles, limiting their versatility and aesthetic appeal.

In contrast, PolyForce Mardom Decor panels offer superior durability, unique designs, and a refined finish. Their exceptional hardness, resistance to mechanical damage, and varied appearance options make them a versatile and visually appealing choice for a wide range of interior styles.

MDF wall panels – polystyrene and MDF

MDF wall panels are a popular choice in interior design, particularly for wall decoration. Here are the key features of MDF panels:

MDF panels are crafted from wood fibers, mixed with resins, and pressed under high pressure. This organic material has a lower density than PVC (approximately 700-800 kg/m³) but offers better durability compared to PVC panels in terms of resistance to mechanical damage. Their hardness is measured on the Janka scale (Brinell) at 2.5-5 lb/in².

Regarding moisture resistance, MDF panels have an average level of protection. While they are more resistant to moisture than some materials, they can still be vulnerable to damage by moisture, making them less suitable for areas with high humidity, such as bathrooms. Without proper protection, MDF panels are also susceptible to UV rays, potentially causing color changes and surface discoloration over time.

However, the installation of MDF panels is relatively straightforward. They can be installed using standard wood adhesives or using profiles and mounting pins, simplifying the installation process for interior designers and homeowners alike.

3D wooden wall panels – polystyrene and wood

3D wooden wall panels offer a unique and cozy aesthetic to interiors, but it’s crucial to understand their properties before installation. These panels are crafted from natural wood of various species, leading to diversity in density and hardness:

  • European oak: Approximately 3.5 Janka (Brinell).
  • Beech: Approximately 3.5-4 Janka (Brinell).
  • Ash: About 4-5 Janka (Brinell).
  • Jatoba: About 8-9 Janka (Brinell).
  • Ipe: Around 16-18 Janka (Brinell).

Wood hardness varies based on the species and can be similar to or higher than MDF, making it relatively resistant to scratches and mechanical damage.

However, 3D wooden wall panels are sensitive to moisture and steam. Exposure to water can cause swelling, shrinking, and deformation, potentially impacting the panels’ durability and appearance. Additionally, wood may be less resistant to UV rays, leading to color changes due to sunlight exposure over time.

The installation process for wooden wall panels is similar to that of PolyForce panels, utilizing standard wood adhesives. Due to the diversity in wood species and their properties, it might be necessary to select a specific type of glue tailored to the particular wood being used.


To sum up, each of the above-mentioned wall panel materials has its own unique features and advantages that affect their suitability in various design contexts. The final choice depends on individual preferences, the needs of a given room and budget. There are many arrangement possibilities, and the choice of the best material depends on the specific case and customer expectations.

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